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Spiritual Conversations

“Conscious Choice – ‘Conscience’ Decision”– Spiritual Discussion (online–Seattle)

Sun, April 14 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

“Conscience – The state of moral or ethical development which comes from spiritual unfoldment; the way that [God] keeps man on the path of right conduct for the good of his fellow man.”

–Harold Klemp, ECKopediathe Eckankar Lexicon, p. 42

What does it mean to “do the right thing”? In today’s world, it can seem that knowing what is “right” and doing what is right are often at odds with each other. Why is that? There is a part of each of us that knows the right thing to say or do in any situation. We call it the conscience. Yet how attuned to it are we, and how often do we actually follow its wisdom and guidance?

Spiritual conversations are a wonderful way for people to share stories, ideas, insights, and personal experiences about a variety of topics that show how Spirit is working in your life. These discussions are relaxed, welcoming, and genuine, and are for anyone who wants to explore their spiritual life more deeply with others in openhearted conversation.

All are welcome! Come join in!

Please contact Frank Martorelli at resa@eckwa.org for the Zoom link to join in.


Sun, April 14
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Local Area:
Type of Activity:
Featured, Spiritual Conversations


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ECKANKAR in Washington State