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Spiritual Conversations

“Outside the Box”–Spiritual Discussion (online–Seattle)

May 12, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

When it comes to the search for truth, you’ve got to go outside the box. You’ve got to go outside the area that other people are afraid to go beyond. Everyone owes it to himself to try new things spiritually.


Harold Klemp, How to Survive Spiritually in Our Times, p. 204

Our comfort zone is our “safe space,” and we spend most of our time there. When we are outside our comfort zone, though, either by choice or because life has taken us there, our response can be wide-ranging – anxiety, fear, anger, on one hand – fascination, wonderment, excitement, or even miracle on the other. 

When we are outside our comfort zone it offers us an opportunity to grow in ways we may not always choose for ourselves. This is especially true when it comes to matters of religion and spirituality. When was the last time you got outside the box of your religion or spiritual belief? How do we perceive and treat those who are outside our own boxes?

Spiritual conversations are a wonderful way for people to share stories, ideas, insights, and personal experiences about a variety of topics that show how Spirit is working in your life. These discussions are relaxed, welcoming, and genuine, and are for anyone who wants to explore their spiritual life more deeply with others in openhearted conversation.

All are welcome! Come join in!

Hosted by ECKANKAR in Washington – www.eckwa.org

Please contact Frank Martorelli at resa@eckwa.org for the Zoom link to join in.


May 12, 2024
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Local Area:
Type of Activity:
Featured, Spiritual Conversations


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ECKANKAR in Washington State