“Fifteen Minutes to Change Your Life” – A Sound of Soul Event (in person–Mukilteo)
Sun, February 23 @ 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
The Sound of Soul event offers an opportunity to experience a 15-20 minute HU Chant, followed by a brief contemplation, and a short period of relaxed, authentic spiritual conversation.
HU is an ancient and sacred name for God. It can be used by anyone and is meant to enhance one’s spiritual experiences with their existing religion or spiritual path.
Singing HU can:
Expand your awareness
Help you experience divine love
Heal a broken heart
Offer solace during times of grief
Bring peace and calm
Refreshments and fellowship often happen afterwards, where people can enjoy community with others of like heart who share a desire to explore their own connection with God or Divine Spirit.
This event is sponsored by Eckankar. For more information, go to https://www.TheSoundofSoul.org.
This Sound of Soul event in the Snohomish Area is open to everyone. Please contact Jackie Finch at snohomish@eckwa.org for more information.